When I woke up today, I was overjoyed to learn about the Red Tsunami throughout the United States: Donald Trump had not only won the Electoral College but also the popular vote in a landslide. In the legislation election, the GOP took the majority in the Senate.

Like what happened to Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, there is a reason God spared Trump’s life in the two failed assassination attempts. God has an unfinished task for him to save Western Civilization from the far-left ideology. The biggest threat to the prosperity of America is not those low-IQ radical Jihadists from the Middle East or the incompetent Communist Party in China but the toxic left-wing ideology that tries to destroy what makes America great.
Let’s see what happened in the last four years: spreading the transgenderism woke mind virus among minors, implementing the open border policy letting in 12 million illegals, eliminating meritocracy and the color-blind hiring practices in corporate America by introducing ridiculous DEI hiring policies. Can you imagine if we have four more years of this Obama 2.0 administration running the greatest country in the world? It would be a tragic demise of all Western Civilization.
I’m glad that change is on the way, although it comes four years late.